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Comment: Demonstrations were performed by students.

0517dSacredWay - 14 * Shengong Shengde Stele Pavilion. * Shengong Shengde Stele Pavilion.

0517dSacredWay - 15 * A 50-ton tortoise carrying a stone tablet rests inside the Shengong Shengde Stele Pavilion. * A 50-ton tortoise carrying a stone tablet rests inside the Shengong Shengde Stele Pavilion.

0517dSacredWay - 16 * One of 4 white marble Huabiao (ornamental pillar) at each corner of the Shengong Shengde Stele Pavilion. * One of 4 white marble Huabiao (ornamental pillar) at each corner of the Shengong Shengde Stele Pavilion.

0517eKungFuSchool - 1 * Working our way back to Beijing, we stopped at the Beijing Shaolin Kung Fu school. * Working our way back to Beijing, we stopped at the Beijing Shaolin Kung Fu school.

0517eKungFuSchool - 2 * Demonstrations were performed by students. * Demonstrations were performed by students.

0517eKungFuSchool - 4 * Demonstrations were performed by students. * Demonstrations were performed by students.

0517eKungFuSchool - 5 * Demonstrations were performed by students. * Demonstrations were performed by students.

0517eKungFuSchool - 6 * Demonstrations were performed by students. They all hope to break into a career making Kung Fu movies. * Demonstrations were performed by students. They all hope to break into a career making Kung Fu movies.

0517eKungFuSchool - 7 * Students gather for afternoon exercises in the courtyard. * Students gather for afternoon exercises in the courtyard.

0517eKungFuSchool - 8 * Students gather for afternoon exercises in the courtyard. * Students gather for afternoon exercises in the courtyard.

Copyright � 2007 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video).

The copyright of the images presented here are owned by David R. Beebe & Patricia E. Beebe. It is illegal to reproduce them without the permission of the copyright owner. As with any image, your possession of a copy of a digitized image does not give you any rights to use it as you wish. Only the copyright owner, or the owner's legal agent, can give you permission to copy, distribute, or publicly display the image.